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    Discovery Museum Announces 2025 Scholarship Program

    New Members

    Open to high school juniors and seniors in MA, funds can be used for any educational or developmental experience

    Acton, MA -- Discovery Museum announced today the 2025 Discovery Museum Scholarship program, which began in 2022 in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Museum. The program will award four one-time $1,500 scholarships to high school juniors or seniors in MA who embody the mission and values of the Museum, to support them on the next leg of their educational journeys.
    “More than 6 million kids and their families have come through our doors over the past four decades to learn about themselves, their abilities, and the world around them, guided by their own creativity and natural curiosity,” said CEO Marie Beam. “The Discovery Museum Scholarship looks to celebrate young learners who embody the mission and values of the Museum by supporting them on next leg of their educational journeys—whatever that might be.”
    All high school juniors and seniors residing in MA are eligible to apply. For one of the four awards, preference will be given to current or past employees or volunteers of the Museum. Award money can be used for any educational or developmental experience, such as college or trade school tuition, travel expenses to support an exciting volunteer opportunity, or costs to provide a learning experience for young children.
    Video or written applications are being accepted now via Google form at (applicants must log in to Google in their browser to apply) and must be received by March 31, 2025. Prior awardees are not eligible for consideration. Recipients will be notified in mid-May. 

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    Discovery Museum | 177 Main Street (Route 27) | Acton, MA 01720 US

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