New Members

Learn about upcoming FREE career training programs at Monty Tech for eligible applicants.
These programs are provided at no cost to eligible applicants. Eligible applicants must be:
- a resident of Massachusetts, over the age of 18, not currently attending high school
- making less than $50,700 per year
- not already working in the field you wish to study
- willing to go to work immediately upon graduation in the field.
Learn about the program requirements, support systems available to students, industry certifications, job placement assistance and more!
Information Session will be held at Monty Tech, 1050 Westminster Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420
Questions? Email
Monty Tech No Cost Training Informati...
Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Wednesday December 28th 10AM
Monty Tech, 1050 Westminster Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420
Contact Information
Autumn Kelly
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